Friday, August 14, 2015


[UPDATE 3] Removed the unnecessary function ClearBits() and its calls to result in >3x performance increase on adding bits (benchmark times updated).

[UPDATE 2] Changed out arithmetic operators for bit-wise operators as well as omitting the use of Math.Floor for a result of ~20 percent speed increase in setting bits (benchmark times updated).

[UPDATE 1] Fixed a bug where the 8th bit added is always set to True(1).

I previously made a class called TBitArray with the purpose of storing individual bits. At the time I didn't know that .Net already had a BitArray class which I could use so I made mine. I then thought well if I have an array I might as well make a list version as well. At the time I never got around to it. Then time passed and I started work on my encoding schemes. I needed to store bits that would resize as needed but I was lazy and instead stored each bit as a byte (yeah waste of space I know). This time I am working on a potential image format for my game. For this format everything is encoded and decode by bits and so again I needed something that would resize as needed. This time though I actually got to working on it. I know that one can resize the BitArray that is built into .Net but I did some benchmarks and well its VERY slow. So with speed and dynamic size in mind I set out to create a BitList class to make my life easier for this and potentially future projects. And I am sharing it here for those who may want to use it. I will provide the benchmarks first to show the difference. If anyone has any suggestions please leave a comment :)

As you can see BitList is much faster at adding bits when size is unknown and where size needs to be changed dynamically.
If you know exactly the number of bits needed please use the built in BitArray instead as you can see it is much faster at setting bits.

This class was made for my purpose of adding bits and not the constant manipulation of bits in memory. So if you need to constantly add bits this might be for you. The bit manipulation implemented is only for light use as it is slower than bit manipulation with BitArray, though slow it is still reasonably fast. Just use it where appropriate is all I'm saying.

Note: This class only implements the functionality that I myself needed, it does not provide other functionality that a typical List(Of T) has. If you need them you may implement them yourself or I might add this when my needs apply. I guess this is much closer the a queue then a list but too lazy to rename it lol. I could have also used a BitArray to store the lookup table but anyone who wants to do that is free to.

Code (VB.Net):

Saturday, August 8, 2015 with keyboard support

So my little brother's friend found this 'mod' for that allows one to play the game via the keyboard but he didn't know how to use it. I took a look and it linked to some survey site which automatically if anyone knew anything about these things online and running into surveys etc... its all crap. So instead I decided to make an app that allows one to play with keyboard.


Info: made in .NET via VB. Uses E, S, D, F for movement, and R to enable/disable keyboard movement support (and shows/hides the mouse cursor).

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cleaning up a Yamaha PSR-310 keyboard

So I recently got a used keyboard because I wanted to learn piano eventually. The one I got was very dirty and there were scratch marks, the keys were stiff as well as stuck, and the lowest C key didn't even work. I thought hey lets clean this up and thus started my overnight project (started at ~12:30AM).

First I had to disassemble the keyboard of course:

The thing was nasty inside:

Is that semen?

There was a bit of rust

So I got to sanding

The membrane was nasty as all hell, cleaned it with a dirty shirt, I think it has to go in the trash now

SOOOO much better :)

Rubber pads are nice and clean as well

Now to get to the keys

As you can see its pretty nasty on the outside too

Black keys are cleaned though still wet

Put the membrane back into the keypad frame

Placed the rubber pads on aswell

Now to address the original issue, Time for some lube

Lubed highest key and first key pair and assembled

Onto the second




Finally placed the key assembly back into the keyboard enclosure

Consequently the lowest C key now works AWESOME lol. Completed ~5:30 AM.

I used soap, bleach, and alcohol as cleaning solutions.
Cotton swabs for fine cleaning and lubricating.
Regret using toilet paper to clean, as well as using my dirty shirt.