Sunday, October 12, 2014

XwitchBot2 [BETA] Release

This is the BETA release for XwitchBot2. It implements most if not all intended functionality (at least ones I remembered). Plugins will come slow and the Raffle plugin included is a dummy plugin to test plugin system. If any issues are found please comment.

Only the ZIP file is needed.

UPDATE - Oct 14, 2014:
Fixed a bug in Chat menu option not reverting to dark gray.
Fixed a bug in the plugins selection menu that causes crash.
Fixed a bug in several basic twitch IRC commands that causes crash.
Fixed a bug in plugins command processing that causes crash.
Fixed a bug preventing application from closing properly when expected.
Corrected message username to display "XwitchBot" instead of the current Nick when expect.
Added Restore option to system tray icon.
Added Command Line Argument to set bot's OAuth.
Added Command Line Argument to set owner's OAuth.
Added Command Line Argument to set server.
Added Command Line Argument to set server port.
Added Command Line Argument to auto connect.
Added Functional "Retarded" plugin, with dummy UI.
Changed Title name to state "Nick" and "Channel".

To make plugins use the Core.dll although this is only BETA the Core.dll might change before final version (though unlikely).
Here is a screenshot:

Here is a basic starting point for making a plugin:
Start a new project.
Select Class Library.
Create a new User Control in the project, call it UI.
Set the Size property to 842, 488.
Lock the control.
Add a Panel to the form.
Change the Panel's Dock property to Fill.
In the <YourPluginName>.vb file follow the below example