Sunday, August 10, 2014

McCollough Effect

Made a little program because I got bored. It induces the McCollough Effect.
While the wiki says you should look at each image several seconds at a time it didn't specify so I just used 5 seconds intervals.
You will first be shown a black and white image with horizontal and vertical grating for 10 seconds. You will then be shown a red with horizontal grating, then a green one with vertical grating each being shown for 5 seconds for a total of 3 minutes. The same black and white image from the beginning will be shown again at the end. If the Effect was successful the image should look slightly different now.
To exit the application at any time press escape.
PS: The application runs in full screen.


Thursday, August 7, 2014


Here is an application requested by Ada and maybe a few other on IRC. At first I didn't want to do it since I am lazy and didn't know anything about it. After they linked me to the page I thought I can do this though I cant test etc. I eventually started it and here is the completed app (though I personally never tested but Ada has tested and says its working). It generates a GVD file used for PlayView on the PlayStation3 and possibly other devices.

PS: Thanks Ada for explaining the GVD structure etc.

Download for those on XP :

Usage: Normally run the executable and follow onscreen
             Drag image into CMD when asked.

             Running the application and the image as argument also works

             Generated GVD will be created in the same directory as the source image.

             Images must be 3840x2160 for now, might make custom later.

As always if you have problems or suggesting please leave a comment.