Monday, February 25, 2013

Manga/Image archiving program

I made this program a while ago due to me starting to collect manga. It was very cluttered and really a complete mess and manga with many page scans just looked ugly in a folder. So to organize my new found hobby I made a simple program that will archive my manga collection into single files known as simple manga pack (.smp). Sure there are other similar programs made for comics and such out already and I've tested them and in some cases my format rivals even them. For now the program is in 2 separate executables, one to create SMPs and one to read them but I plan to implement it all in one program in the near future as their current states are incomplete and is only functional and not final.

Download Simple Manga Packer (creates .smp files)

Download SMP Reader (reads .smp files)

To be implemented:
- Encryption
- Compression
- Volume, Chapter seperation
- Volume, Chapter, Page seeking
- Descriptions
- More Viewing modes
- Extract image sequence from smp
- Importing folders to convert to smp
- smp preview before packing

Current smp limitations and specification (subject to change):
- 65535 scans possible in smp file
- 255 characters possible in smp file
- 16,777,215 Byes max per scan (under 16 MB)
- Only jpeg, png, bmp supported as inputs

As mentioned compression is not implemented yet so it will be larger then other formats out there but it has been tested and results are good.

How to use:
- run program normally
- drag and drop images into list
- provide a name for the smp
- click pack

- associate file extention .smp with the reader and open reader by double clicking the smp file you wish to read.
- another way is through dragging and dropping the smp ontop of the excutable
- another way is through command prompt
                                     SMP Reader.exe <input smp file>